It’s no secret that theme parks, no matter which you call home, can be a lot to handle. They’re hot, loud, busy, and overwhelming even on the best of days. For many who face challenges with mental health or sensory-processing disorders, this can be a huge deterrent. The average person can be easily robbed of the ability to self-regulate in this unique environment, and often times for people with specific needs regarding sensory input, it can be downright impossible.
Though there are plenty of tips and tricks to self-regulate one’s sensory input that can be employed on the go, these things might not always cut it, especially in environments that are often times designed to be overwhelming to the senses.
Located at the front of Universal Studios Florida within Health Services (located just to the left of Guest Services) the official quiet room at Universal Studios is a charming respite from the chaos of the parks that allows guests to cool down from the sensory overload of the otherwise overwhelming parks. This quiet room opened during Spring Break of 2022 and is available from park open to park close on a no-questions-asked basis. It is available to every guest who walks through the arches of Universal Studios, and does not require an Individual Accessibility Card or any other documentation to utilize. It features several sensory tools to help guests of all ages help regulate their stimulation, including a stim board that allowed guests to fidget and self-sooth with a variety of colors, textures, and founds, as well as a SensaSoft-styled tunnel mat.

Though Universal Studios Florida encourages a thirty-minute time-frame for usage, there is no official time limit and guests will never be forced out of the room; this room is available on a first-come, first-served basis. However, various other locations may be available for a guest in need should the official Quiet Room be occupied.
Universal Studios Florida also offers the use of Nursing Rooms, which are similarly located at both Health Services locations within the park. During certain events, there is also the possibility for Universal Health Services to open other unofficial Quiet Rooms, such as the VIP area that was designated a Quiet Room during Grad Bash. While not ‘officially’ considered a Quiet Room, the Nursing Room located at Health Services between Louis’ Pizzeria and Fast and Furious: Supercharged is offered as a secondary location.

(Left – Universal Studios Quiet Room; Right – Universal Studios Nursing Room)
With the intense atmosphere, the crowds, and the noise that have become a part of theme park culture over the years – and during some more intense events in particular – knowing that guests have access to a Quiet Room can be an incredible asset to those who are mindful of their mental health.
For the most up to date information about what Quiet Room locations are being offered, guests can visit any Health Services location on property, including CityWalk and Islands of Adventure, to be directed to the nearest available Quiet Room or Nursing Room for their self-regulation needs.
Stay safe and have fun!